Look under the hood
of your business


Assessment Methodology

We use both process and performance-based approaches when conducting assessments and audits. Each are designed to effectively drive discovery of current processes, non-conformances, and relevant performance against objectives. 

With the results of the Assessments and Audits completed, reviewed and agreed upon with client management, we then define and implement all required corrective strategies and actions.

Structured Assessments using International Standards and requirements include:

ISO-9001-2015 • ISO-14001 • ISO-45001 • ISO-2201 • ISO-13485:2016 • ISO-22301:2012 
ISO/DIS-45001 • ISO-50001:2011 • ISO/IEC-27001:2013

Process Audits

We focus on the consistency and effectiveness of how an organization's operations and practices are performed. A process that is well planned and is focused on results in consistent reliable outputs and conformance to Company Objectives and standards. 

Our audit approach systematically considers all aspects of sound process management methodologies, with reports on strengths, weaknesses and recommended best practices.

Performance Audits

In contrast to process audits, performance assessments focus on the factors that produce or impede specific organizational goals. This assessment-based approach identifies activities that contribute or restrict the realization of corporate objectives. 

Our approach reveals opportunities to better focus the organization and manage the variables that contribute to success.

By implementing our Assessment methodology it's possible to effectively and efficiently determine if:

  1. Management System requirements are being satisfied

  2. Suppliers or partners who are high risk are identified

  3. Internal processes are effective and in conformance to Company objectives and standards

Technology Assessments

Assessments on the application of automation, technology and data analytics to improve business performance (both sales and operations).

Our approach reveals opportunities to better utilize collected data, IT technology and digital marketplaces to focus the organization and manage the variables that contribute to success. The assessments consider:

  1. The identification of Technology and IT risks,

  2. The conversion of data into strategic knowledge

  3. The use of online presence for interacting with Customers and digital marketplaces.

By implementing our Assessment methodology it's possible to determine the benefits of effectively and efficiently:

  • Streamlining processes

  • Integrating internal processes

  • Reducing administration

  • Adding resilience to IT Security

  • Utilizing the Internet and online marketplaces to expand sales opportunities and brand recognition.

2nd Party Assessments

Assessments of your supply chain helps to instill confidence that your current and future needs, and the needs of your customers, are being met. We support your supply chain by conducting audits or assessments of your supply chain against specific criteria suited to identify the risks and opportunities specific to your markets, customers, and your objectives.

2nd Party Assessments include:

  • Supplier assessments

  • Supplier sourcing

  • Partner audits

  • Franchise audits